
Disclaimer: DynarexWoundCare.com will make every effort to inform our customers of any changes made to a specific product, catalog copy or marketing collateral material. DynarexWoundCare.com cannot be held responsible for these changes. DynarexWoundCare.com reserves the right to make changes to the technical specs, dimensions, look or any other product change at any time without prior notice except as required by the US FDA Code of Federal Regulations for changes made to medical devices, OTC drugs and other foreign government regulations. Please note:  All products on the DynarexWoundCare.com website may not be licensed in all countries. Customers are hereby directed to consult with their Customer Services Representative before placing a purchase order.

Product sizes may vary slightly based on production tolerances using the metric system and are stated for marketing purposes only.

Information provided about DynarexWoundCare.com advanced wound care products should be considered as general guidelines to product usage and none of the information is intended to be construed as medical advice. Medical conditions should be evaluated and treated by licensed practitioners. Please see your local wound care clinician for treatment of your wound.